Friday, June 10, 2011

motiv hacer dengan Video Scandal

"motiv hacer dengan Video Scandal"baca Tips penghindari serangan Hacker Disini

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Pengenalan Organ Reproduksi Jantan

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    Reproduksi merupakan suatu proses biologis di mana individu organisme baru diproduksi . Dasar mempertahankan diri yang dilakukan oleh semua bentuk kehidupan, setiap individu organisme ada sebagai hasil dari suatu proses reproduksi oleh pendahulunya. Cara reproduksi secara umum dibagi menjadi dua jenis: seksual dan aseksual. Dalam reproduksi aseksual, suatu individu dapat melakukan reproduksi tanpa keterlibatan individu lain dari spesies yang sama. Reproduksi seksual membutuhkan keterlibatan dua individu, biasanya dari jenis kelamin yang berbeda. Reproduksi manusia normal adalah contoh umum reproduksi seksual. Secara umum, organisme yang lebih kompleks melakukan reproduksi secara seksual, sedangkan organisme yang lebih sederhana, biasanya satu sel, melakukan reproduksi secara aseksual. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Pengenalan Organ Reproduksi Betina

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Reproduksi adalah naluri setiap organisme untuk beranak-pinak. Ciri etik individu makhluk hidup  ialah bahwa umurnya terbatas, dan pada suatu ketika akan menjadi tua kemudian mati karena suatu faktor, baik itu parasit, pemangsa atau sebagainya. Karena itu perlu suatu perkembangan baru untuk mengganti reputasi yang telah tiada. Jadi kelangsungan hidup individu sebagian ditunjukkan untuk memenuhi kemampuan reproduksi yang mutlak bagi kelstarian spesies.
Sapi betina tidak hanya memproduksi sel kelamin yang sangat penting untuk mengawali kehidupan turunannya yang baru, tetapi ia menyediakan pula tempat beserta lingkungan untuk perkembangan individu baru itu, dimulai dari waktu pembuahan ovum dan memeliharanya selama awal kehidupanya. Tugas ini dilaksanakan

Sunday, April 3, 2011

maintenance management of boiler chickens

Broiler Chickens (Broilers) is a chicken that can grow quickly in order to produce meat in a relatively short (5-7 weeks). Broiler has an important role as a source of animal protein from cattle ..
Major factors of modern broiler maintenance management is focused on three basic points, namely light, food and water (Gull), in addition to other factors still contribute to the achievement of body weight at harvest. Therefore, synergism seagull with other relevant factors need to be tightened, so the probability of failure in achieving an optimal body weight can be reduced as small as possible.
Basically, feed restriction is a program to provide livestock feed in accordance with basic living needs at a certain age and period. The program is based on the assumption that continuous feeding (ad libitum) is an artificial condition, whereas feed restriction on broiler chickens are livestock in an effort to restore natural conditions.

Blood Practicum II and V

Blood Practicum II and V 
(Hemolysis and Krenasi, Erythrocyte Osmotic Pressure,Density of Blood, Blood, Blood Pressure)

The purpose of this lab is to watch the form of red blood cells when experiencing hemolisa and krenasi, to work out the classification of human blood with ABO system and to work out the blood pressure in humans. Usefulness is that it will differentiate red blood cells that experienced hemolysis and red blood cells that have krenasi, recognize|to understand|to grasp} how the blood cluster determination on an individual and might know the impact of activity on blood pressure. 

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Yellow chicken

Yellow chicken is that the results of crosses between native chickens and imported chicken wings recessive white through eleven generations. Jiangfeng begin breeding farm mid 70s within the district Jianggao, on the outskirts of Guangzhou. Chicken is increasingly standard within the 90's as a result of as a result of their performance is often improved.
Peak production of parent stock in weeks 27-29. Broiler weight from one.7 to 1.9 Kg at the age of one hundred days with FCR 1: three.
This yellow chicken consumption is stable though there AI. additionally to native consumption, this chicken has been exported to Hong Kong and Macao, whereas DOC was exported to Southeast Asia and Hong Kong.
Indonesia has developed chicken CP CP 808 - a hybrid between chicken and chicken French feminine native male. The goal is to accelerate the assembly of chicken. Message from the community as good as, simply not enough production. Performance is often improved by not reducing the chicken flavor and color of the colourful feathers. Weight at harvest age (8 weeks) is 990-1010 grams with a cumulative feed consumption at 2639 gram.

AVIAN INFLUENZA (H5N1), Do not Panic But Stay Alert

The virus that causes bird flu disease is one form of family Orthomyxoviridae, that consists of sort A that attacks poultry, pigs B and C to attack that attack mammals and humans. however within the course of mutation, sort a scourge is additionally contagious to humans.

Type A viruses are divided into subtypes based mostly on 2 kinds of proteins on their surface. This protein referred to as haemagglutinin (HA) and Neuroaminidase (NA). Virus sort A contains a HA (Hemaglutinin) as several as sixteen pairs, specifically H1-H16 and nine NA (Neuraminidase), specifically N1-N9 who will amendment shapes. sort a scourge is most virulent H5N1 strain that proved to be transmitted from birds to humans, lions, tigers and cats.