Friday, April 1, 2011

Blood Practicum III and IV

Blood Practicum III and IV
(Hemolisa and Krenasi, Erythrocyte Osmotic Pressure, Density of Blood, Blood, Blood Pressure)
The purpose of this lab is to to find a large blood pressure, blood hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit value of blood, to determine the number of red blood cells and white blood cells per mm3 of blood volume, and the factors that influence it. Usefulness is to be aware of and comparative assessment of blood pressure in various activities, knowing the blood hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit value of blood knows and can know the number of red blood cells (erythrocytes) and white blood cells (leukocytes) in blood per mm3 of blood volume. 

The tools used are landset pen, room count, cover glass, microscope, scale paper hemoglobin, Sahli tubes, micro-centrifuge, haemoglobinometer Sahli, mikrokapiler, micro-hematocrit, pipette suction, the cover glass. Materials used are cotton, 0.1 N HCl, blood samples, 70% alcohol, hayem solution, a solution of turk, aquades, lancet pen, the capillary tube. Practical method of taking blood samples and compare to the scale specified levels of hemoglobin and hemoglobin. Place the tip of the capillary tube at the fingertips. Let go with his own blood until 4 / 5 sections of pipe length, then insert it into the micro centrifuge and centrifuge for 2 minutes. Read the results. Sucking blood using red blood cell pipette to 0.5. Then suck up to number 101 hayem solution and then put it on the room count at the edge of the room count. Check with a microscope at a big enlargement. The calculation is performed on red blood cells contained in the five fruit box marked R. The number of red blood cells obtained in five such boxes 10,000 for dilution multiplied 200 times, and multiplied by 5000, to 100 times dilution. Sucking blood until a solution of turk 0.5 and then suck until angka11 with caution. The next procedure similar to the calculation of red blood cells.

The result is levels of hemoglobin than men obtained through the method of Sahli tube is 80 ml and on a scale gram/100 Hb obtained 70 grams / 100, whereas in women obtained Sahli hemoglobin level at 70 gram/100 ml tube, and by using the scale Hb is 70 grams / 100 ml. Hematocrit value of 43.5 in men with a hematocrit measurement using the scale, while in women 42.6 hematokritnya values ​​using hematocrit scale. Counting the number of red blood cells obtained result of the number of red blood cells contained in the body that is 9.1 million praktikan mm3. Counting of white blood cells obtained by the number of white blood cells contained in praktikan is 41.900/mm3.
The conclusion of this report is to determine the concentration of hemoglobin by Sahli method for men and women are 80g/dL 70 g / dL. Hematocrit value is greater in men than in women hematocrit value. The number of red blood cells that is 9.100.000/mm3, and the number of white blood cells obtained are 41.900/mm3.

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