Practicum Blood Part I (preparations Natip Blood, Time Frozen Blood, Bleeding time and erythrocyte sedimentation rate).
This practicum aimed to see how the shape of blood cells, blood cells function, length of time frozen blood, coagulation time, bleeding time and the time of erythrocyte sedimentation rate. The usefulness of this lab is for students to know the shape of blood cells, blood cells function, length of time frozen blood, coagulation time, bleeding time and time erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
The tools used are glass objects, the cover glass, microscope, paraffin-coated petri dish, stopwatch, along westergrin tube rack, test tube and rack, lancet pen, capillary tube, laktodencimeter. While the materials used are chicken blood, chicken, cows, humans (male and female), cotton, filter paper, anticoagulant EDTA, 0.9% NaCl solution and 70% alcohol. Practical method that is dripping 1-2 drops of 0.9% NaCl solution on the object glass and blood drawn from fingertip aseptically. Mixing the two kinds of solution and then observed with a microscope. Removing the blood from a fingertip and blood was dripping 1-2 drops onto a petri dish. Prick blood was slowly picking up slowly with the use of a pin. Noted the time. Entering the blood coming out of the fingertips into the capillary tube until 4 / 5 length of pipe by means stick one end and then broke the 1 cm piece of pipe threads to form fibrin, while noting the time koagulasinya, bleeding from the fingertips using the lancet pen. suck every drop of blood with filter paper until no more blood stains on filter paper. Noted the time. Provided blood samples which have been anticoagulant Entering mixed blood sample into the Westergren tube and let it stand upright. Noting how many mm decrease in erythrocytes after 30, 60 and 90 minutes.
The result that the blood contained an important component of blood plasma and blood cells (red blood cells / erythrocytes, white blood cells / leukocytes and keeping-pieces blood / platelet). Coagulation time in a petri dish for males (♂) 90.19 seconds and female (♀), 101.52 seconds, while the average capillary tube coagulation time for male (♂), 128.4 seconds and female (♀ ) 177.3 seconds. The average bleeding time in males (♂) 26.51 seconds, while the female (♀), 33.878 seconds. Meanwhile, erythrocyte sedimentation rate at 2 mm/30 minutes cow blood, chicken race 4 mm/30 minutes, and free-range chicken 1 mm/30 min.
The conclusion of this report is that blood is an important part of the body that consists of two important components of blood plasma and blood cells. Coagulation time is the time when the blood started coming out from the body until the formation of fibrin threads. Bleeding time is the time from the occurrence of the first blood drops until no more stain on filter paper. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is the speed of absorption of red blood cells until the formation of plasma.
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